My Coffee Maker

My Coffee Maker


I have an earthenware Belgian coffee pot with two filters inside. I know one is for coffee (beans I think) and the other filter is for chicory. Do I put them both on the same filter, or one in each filter?


I have never seen anything like that before! In other words, my suggestions are based only on observing the photo and making some educated guesses.

At first sight I would have thought this was a tea pot, not a coffee maker. But the brewing process is largely the same anyway.

To make coffee with this pot I would first take the large filter and add ground coffee. (Use two level tablespoons of ground coffer for each 6 ounce cup of water.)

Then I would place the filter in the pot. Next I would bring some water to the boil in a kettle, leave it a couple of minutes to bring the temperature down a couple of degrees, and then pout the hot water over the coffee grinds in the pot.

Then...and this is the tip that will give you a better cup of coffee...I would take a spoon and stir the coffee grinds in the water.

Finally, I would add the lid, wait three or four minutes, and then pour my first cup of coffee.

This is a great looking coffee pot and very easy to use.

As for the smaller filter...I really have no idea! If I were using chicory, I think I would add it to the large filter with the ground coffee. It strikes me that the small filter, if it fits on top of the large one, would be the place where you would add an ingredient that you wanted to pour hot water through, but which you didn't want steeped in the hot water once it is poured.

I hope this helps a little!


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May 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Where can I buy such a coffee pot, does anyone know?

Oct 26, 2008
by: Pnash

i believe those are NOT two filters, it is a filter with a filter cap, so, the "larger" filter goes on top of the pot, beans (ground), then the filter cap, so the beans won't surface, then hot water, then the last cap, presto! coffee un a minute.

i wouldn't add much, except for sugar.


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