Coffee and reading...perfect companions.

by Nick (Coffee Detective)

Sit back at home with a coffee and magazine.

Sit back at home with a coffee and magazine.

Recently I published some photos I have taken in coffee shops and restaurants. Some of my most cherished memories come from sitting with family or friends, sipping coffee, and losing ourselves in the stories we share.

But coffee isn't just a terrific companion for conversation, it also helps marks the time when you sit down to read, in silence.

Doesn't matter whether you are reading a magazine, a newspaper, a novel or poetry. You create an easy rhythm between turning pages and sipping from your cup. It's alone time...whether you are alone or not. Your mind humming along from page to page, and from sip to sip.

One could argue the caffeine in coffee also creates the perfect pairing with reading, sharpening your mind and your concentration.

It's no wonder so many book stores also serve coffee. We recognize that both books and coffee bring us to a place of near silence and easy contemplation. Sip the coffee and turn the page.

I find it interesting that coffee pairs so well with both conversation and reading. Perhaps, in part, it's because sitting down with coffee defines both a place and a span of time. And that place and time can be devoted either to talking with others, or reading alone.

Regardless, many of my memories would be less vivid and pleasurable in the absence of that cup of coffee.

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