Coffee percolator is the best way to brew coffee

by Anthony Delmar
(hackensack , NJ)

Coffee Percolator makes the BEST coffee compared to the Drip coffee maker. The flavor comes out the strongest using a Percolator.

More on coffee percolators:

Sunbeam AP-20 automatic 10-cup percolator.

Stove top coffee percolator.

Percolators are the best!

New seal for the Sunbeam C-30A vacuum coffee maker?

West Bend 5-9 cup Percolator.

Percolators get a bad rap.

Comments for Coffee percolator is the best way to brew coffee

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Jun 28, 2009
Percolated coffee!!!!
by: Anonymous

Yes, I and everyone I have made a cup coffee for all agree.... percolated coffee is the best, most flavorable cup of java! In fact, my new drip coffee maker just "bit the dust" and I am buying an old fashioned and not so cheap percolator.

Mar 29, 2011
filter method removes the flavorful oils
by: Gray

I agree that the percolator method is a better method than the drip. I have never been able to understand why some people cannot tell the difference between a paper filtered cup of coffee and the percolator method.
It just stands to reason that a paper filter has got to be trapping some of the very necessary oils in the coffee grounds that are essential to the flavor.

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