by L Larson
(Tacoma, WA)
I won a basket at an auction about 4 years ago with several different kinds of Starbucks coffee beans. I put them in the freezer and just remembered they were there. They're in the same package - are these beans any good or should I throw them away?
LL, hi
When reading your question, I must admit that my first thought was, "How can you look in your freezer every week for four years and not notice a basket of coffee bags!?": )
That aside, I think I would give them a quiet burial somewhere and buy some new coffee beans.
Coffee beans can certainly be stored in a sealed container in your freezer for several months. But four years is probably something of a record, and I certainly couldn't recommend that you go ahead and serve them to family and friends.
To replace those bags, you can always see if the same beans are available through the Starbucks online coffee store
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