by Frank
(Raleigh, NC)
Am I over caffeinated? I have no idea. But I would like to know. So can you tell me how much caffeine there is in a cup of coffee? Please?
Thanks, Frank
Frank, hi. Thanks for the question.
Let’s start with the amount of caffeine in an average, 7-ounce cup of regular coffee.
As you’ll see below, the caffeine per cup is going to depend on three factors – the way in which you brew your coffee, where the coffee was grown, and how it was roasted.
Here goes...
Caffeine levels according to the brewing method.
Drip Coffee 115-175mg
Espresso - 1 serving (1.5-2oz) 100mg
Brewed 80-135mg
Instant 65-100mg
Decaf, brewed 3-4mg
Decaf, instant 2-3mg
The caffeine in coffees from different parts of the world.
These figures represent the percentage of caffeine in the bean.
Brazil Bourbons 1.20%
Celebes Kalossi 1.22%
Colombia Excelso 1.37%
Colombia Supremo 1.37%
Costa Rica Tarrazu 1.35%
Ethiopian Harrar-Moka 1.13%
Guatemala Antigua 1.32%
Indian Mysore 1.37%
Jamaican Blue Mtn/Wallensford Estate 1.24%
Java Estate Kuyumas 1.20%
Kenya AA 1.36%
Kona Extra Prime 1.32%
Mexico Pluma Altura 1.17%
Mocha Mattari (Yemen) 1.01%
New Guinea 1.30%
Panama Organic 1.34%
Sumatra Mandheling-Lintong 1.30%
Tanzania Peaberry 1.42%
Zimbabwe 1.10%
Caffeine percentage according to the roast of the bean.
Colombia Supremo Dark 1.37%
Espresso Roast 1.32%
French Roast 1.22%
Vienna Roast 1.27%
Mocha-Java 1.17%
So there you have it...all you ever wanted to know about caffeine in coffee.
But back to your original question...the amount of caffeine in a 7-ounce cup of average coffee is approximately 115-175mg.
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