Manual single cone filter or healthy coffee pot, no plastic

by Elizabeth

Porcelain coffee filter cone.

Porcelain coffee filter cone.


I have just thrown out a broken down coffee pot and do not want plastic insides anymore (health concerns). So far I have not found an all stainless steel, inside pipes, basket, etc., and the only thing I have looked at is the chemex and I am not too sure if the unbleached filters have some chemical in them. Where would I find a single cone filter to use for one cup? Do not want a Keurig because I believe there is some plastic involved.


Certainly you can buy a porcelain filter cone and make your coffee that way. This is a great way to make coffee.

We have a video on making coffee with a filter cone here.

Filter cones are slowly rising in popularity as people realize that they don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars on a fancy brewer to make good coffee.

That said, as with the Chemex coffee maker, you will still have to buy paper filters to use with the filter cone.

Comments for Manual single cone filter or healthy coffee pot, no plastic

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Google: stainless steel cone coffee filter
by: Anonymous

Paper filter might been replaced with reusable stainless steel /gold plated cone coffee filter - cutting out extra spending for paper filters and massive amount of plastic from the brewer [coffee machine].

Filter cones
by: Zarin D

I would like to find a single serve (or 2-cup) cone made from corning or clear glass. Would you have that too? I saw it on a show on PBS some time ago - the show was all about coffee.

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