My Coffee Looks Brown
by Metro Man
(Los Angeles, CA, USA)
We brew Yuban or Folgers coffee in a Mr. Coffee brewer at work. After the coffee is brewed, it looks more brown than black--like liquid chocolate in the carafe and in my coffee cup. The coffee taste ok but could use more flavor. We've used 10 scoops for our 12 cup carafe, and tried using less, never more. Nothing seems to help the appearance or taste. I don't believe we were having this problem when the coffee maker was new. We've been using it for almost one year.
First, maybe add a couple more scoops of coffee to the filter basket and see if that helps.
If not, it may be time to get another coffee maker. If the brewer was making a better, stronger pot of coffee when you first got it, with the same amount of ground coffee per brew as you are using now, it may be a problem with the brewer’s thermostat.
In other words, if the temperature of the water is lower than it should be, then it won’t extract as much flavour from the coffee grinds.