by Nick (Coffee Detective)
This non-scientific study comprises me doing my usual scan of the major social media sites – like Twitter, Facebook and Google Buzz.
People report a few odd symptoms when they try to kick the coffee habit, including swollen glands (didn’t say which ones), and unexpected weight-loss.
But as you can see below, the #1 one symptom by far seems to be headaches.
# I can feel a caffeine-withdrawal headache coming on. Just made some coffee b/c my 2:30 it'll be pounding and make me tired.
# I've learned not to wait until 10:30 for my morning coffee...caffine withdrawal headaches SUCK!!
# Caffiene withdrawal headaches are NOT good.... Gotta have more coffee...
# awww thanks dear!!! My sweet hubs drank my coffee for me & I took an advil to prevent the caffeine withdrawal headache! Haha!
# not sure why but I'm experimenting effects of no coffee. Holy shitballs I'm suffering - major headaches & withdrawal from caffeine. addctd
#Um, don't think this "stop drinking coffee" thing is working. I've got the biggest headache. I think I'm suffering from withdrawal.
If you want to avoid withdrawal symptoms, I have a simple tip for you – keep drinking coffee. In fact, there are numerous health benefits to drinking coffee.
Don’t believe me? Check out our page on the health benefits of coffee .
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