Paper vs. metal coffee filters. Which is best?
by Barb
Using a paper coffee filter.
Which is the best type of coffee filter to use? Is it the disposable paper filter or the permanent metal filter? I want to use the one that gets those rich 'bubbles' on the top of my coffee mug! (don't I?)
Whether you use a paper filter or a metal filter won't make much difference to your coffee, or your bubbles.
However, there are some aesthetic and environmental advantages to using a metal filter, and some health reasons for using paper filters.
Using paper filters is messy. And you have to keep buying them and throwing them away. And you may wonder exactly what chemical residues are lurking in that paper as a by-product of the paper-making process.
But if you use a gold-tone metal filter basket
(not as expensive as it sounds), then you never have to buy or replace all those paper filters.
That said, there are health reasons to use paper filters, because of the cafestol in coffee.
Cafestol is found in the oily fraction of coffee, and is a potent stimulator of LDL cholesterol levels.
What does this mean to you as a coffee drinker? Well, if you have concerns about your cholesterol levels, you should certainly pay some attention to this and may decide to use paper filters. Why? Because the cafestol is almost entirely absorbed by the paper, and doesn't make it as far as your coffee cup. But with a gold filter, the cafestol drips right through.
So, for aesthetics choose the gold filter, and for your health choose the paper.